Journal of Isotopes (Aug 2022)
DOI-PET Imaging Investigation Based on 3-D Cross-Strip Cadmium Zinc Telluride Detector
To study the PET imaging performance of cross-strip cadmium zinc telluride detector with a size of 16.4 mm×16.4 mm×5 mm, which can determine the 3-D position information of 511 keV gamma photons. The 32 electrodes of the detector are all read out using charge sensitive preamplifiers and filter amplification modules, and then input high-speed analog-to-digital converters to sample the data, and obtain the full pulse shape of the signal in the detector, and use the ADC built-in FPGA to perform the online signal processing, digital processing such as peak finding and filtering. The energy resolution of the CZT detector for 511 keV gamma photons is 6.35%. According to the electrode structure of the CZT detector, 3-D position coordinate calculation formulas for the interaction of gamma photons can be obtained. The CZT detector realizes a 3-D imaging function with a sub-millimeter resolution.