Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences (Oct 2008)

Composição nutricional de pastagens de capim-Elefante submetido a duas estratégias de manejo em pastejo = Nutritional composition of elephant grass pastures submitted to two management strategies under grazing

  • Gilmar Roberto Meinerz,
  • Clair Jorge Olivo,
  • Magnos Fernando Ziech,
  • Carlos Alberto Agnolin,
  • Ana Paula Dullius,
  • Ricardo da Silveira Moraes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30, no. 4
pp. 379 – 385


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Realizou-se o trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de estratégias de manejo sobre a composição nutricional de pastagens de capim-Elefante. No Tratamento 1, o capim-Elefante foi manejado de acordo com princípios agroecológicos; no Tratamento 2, convencionalmente. Na área correspondente ao sistema agroecológico, o capim-Elefante estava estabelecido em linhas afastadas a 3 m, onde, no espaço entre linhas, no período hibernal, foi implantado azevém e, no período estival, permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies de crescimento espontâneo. Na área referente ao sistema convencional, o capim-Elefante estava estabelecido em linhas espaçadas a 1,4 m. Em cada pastejo, foram coletadas amostras por meio da técnica de simulação de pastejo para determinação das porcentagens de proteína bruta (PB), de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS), da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e dos nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos, duas repetições em parcelas subdivididas no tempo. Observou-se resultadosuperior (p This research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effect of management strategies on the nutritional composition of elephant grass pastures. In treatment 1, the elephant grass was managed according to agro-ecological principles; in treatment 2, it was managed conventionally. In the agro-ecological systemarea, elephant grass was established in rows spaced 3 m apart, where ryegrass was planted in the space between rows during the winter period, and the development of spontaneous growth species was permitted in the summer period. In the conventional system area,elephant grass was established in rows spaced 1.4m apart. In each grazing cycle, using the hand-plucking technique, samples were collected for determination of the percentiles of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), dry matter in vitro digestibility(DMIVD), organic matter in vitro digestibility (OMIVD) and total digestible nutrients (TDN). The experimental design used was completely randomized with two treatments, two replicates in incomplete split-plot time. Superior results (p < 0.05) were observed for CP, DMIVD, IVOMD in the agro-ecological system; for NDF, greater values (p < 0.05) were found in the conventional system. The best results nutritive value were found in the winter period. The results demonstrated that elephant grass presents high nutritional valuein both studied systems.
