P29 Treating hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) with direct acting antivirals (DAAs) through the existing infrastructure of opioid agonist therapy (OAT)
J. Keats,
S. Hazelwood,
C. Cochrane,
G. Laker,
E. George,
A.D. Dunlop
J. Keats
Hunter New England Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services, Australia
S. Hazelwood
Hunter New England Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services, Australia
C. Cochrane
Hunter New England Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services, Australia
G. Laker
Hunter New England Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services, Australia
E. George
Drug and Alcohol Health Services Inc (Muswellbrook), Australia
A.D. Dunlop
Hunter New England Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services, Australia; University of Newcastle, Australia