مجلة التربية والعلم (Sep 2020)

Comparative Anatomical Study for the Cultivars of Morus L. Species cultivated in North of Iraq

  • Raad Al-Badrany,
  • Aamer Al-Mathidy

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 3
pp. 178 – 195


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The current study is a comparative anatomical study of cultivars species belonging to the genus Moras L. which are cultivated in north of Iraq Namely Morus alba L. ("Beautiful Day", "Big White", "Rease", "Greece", "Pearl", "Border Sweet", "Pendula"); Morus latifolia Poir ("Kokuse Korean"); Morus rubra L. ("Amarah"); Morus nigra ("Shami"); Morus macroura Miq ("King White"); "Dwarf" and Morus hybrid ("Tice", "Wellington"). The anatomical study included (blade leaf, midrib and venation system) in addition to non-living components (crystals) in the mesophyll of the blade leaf. The result of the anatomical characteristics of (blade thickness, cuticle, epidermis cell, thickness and layers of palisade and spongy tissue, thickness and shape of arc vascular curve, number and dimension of ressles in the midrib and the shape of idioblast in cystolith). In addition to the venation system of the leaf which found the Brochidodromous type in all cultivars excepted "BigWhite" and "Pendula" cultivars of species Morus alba and "KokusoKorean" cultivars of species Morus latifolia founded from Craspedromous type. The characteristic showed have importance taxonomic value in the separation and identification between the cultivars of the species studied belong to the genus Morus L.
