Lite: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya (Sep 2009)
It is believed that the students’ habit of listening correlate with their listening proficiency. This study tried to investigate this view. The learners’ ability in listening to the spoken language is indicated by their ability to give response or comment to the spoken language that they have listened. The research was conducted in EFL class setting. Thirty five of the seventy nine students were taken as the subjects of the research. The research subjects were the fourth students of English Department Dian Nuswantoro University taking “Listening Comprehension IVâ€. They were asked to answer the questionnaires to measure their habit. The student’s scores in “Listening Comprehension IV†were documented and used as their proficiency level. The two variables were then analyzed by using Pearson Product-Moment test. The output of the statistical analysis showed that the two variables have significant correlation indicated by 70.4% coefficient correlation and the level of significance was 0.0. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that the better the students’ habit of listening the better their listening proficiency. Based on the findings, the teacher of English is recommended to shape the students’ habit by giving much task in order to expose them to English especially spoken English. Key words: Listening, Pearson Product-Moment test, Spoken English, Students’ability,