Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Mar 2021)
„I tu leży wampir pogrzebany” – powiedzenia, przysłowia, frazeologizmy w przekładach wybranych utworów Andrzeja Sapkowskiego na język rosyjski
And Here Lies a Buried Vampire: Sayings, Proverbs, Idioms in Translations of Selected Works by Andrzej Sapkowski into Russian This paper elaborates on ways of proverbs and sayings transition, presentin A. Sapkowski’s works, into Russian. Gathered material was discussed from the perspective of both original and translation texts. Analysis covered idiomatic phrases, created by the author, as well as real, existingones, that were subjected to different kinds of modifications in the Polishtext. The presence of this kind of stylistic devices can be considered in a context of realization of the author’s idiolect features in translation text, which makes proper transition of described units so vitally important. It is due to the fact that they become a distinctive feature of Sapkowski style, and should be reflected in the Russian text.