Bulletin du Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles (Mar 2006)

Aspects de la vie quotidienne à la cour de Versailles à la fin du xviie siècle à travers deux ensembles céramiques exceptionnels issus des fouilles du Grand Commun

  • Fabienne Ravoire



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The excavation of the courtyard of the Grand Commun of the Château de Versailles in 2006 and 2007 by INRAP, under the direction of Jean-Yves Dufour, revealed the vestiges of several buildings that preceded the building of the Grand Commun in 1682. Extensive archaeological material has been found, notably two groups of ceramics from two cellars. In each, some sixty receptacles were counted, found broken and very incomplete. These terracotta, earthenware and stoneware containers reveal information on the castle’s daily life in the last third of the seventeenth century.
