Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary (Feb 2022)
L'immaginario del discorso pro- surrogacy. La volontà di potenza degli imprenditori di se stessi nella produzione globale di vite
The imaginary of the pro-surrogacy discourse. Self-entrepreneurs' will to power in the global production of life. Gestational surrogacy is an emerging sector of bioeconomy, a reproductive option and a form of female labour which is increasingly accepted worldwide. It entails a deep rationalization of human processes, which are reduced to their mere biological aspects and managed through self- discipline and technology with the goal of producing high quality products (children). In this paper I discuss how the social practice of surrogacy is legitimized through a broader discourse of individual freedom and self- determination, typical of neoliberal capitalism, and how this frame is applied to two categories of “self-entrepreneurs”: people who aspire to become parents and women with gestational capability that once placed on the reproductive market becomes source of economic empowerment. I argue that the pro-surrogacy discourse, which dips into the feminist rhetoric of women's autonomy and a culture of limitless technological manipulation, encourages the human will to power by activating the pleasure principle and the Great Mother archetype.