Belgeo (Sep 2021)
Vulnérabilité et résilience des socio-écosystèmes littoraux d’Afrique de l’Ouest : état des connaissances actuelles et interrogation sur le devenir du littoral sénégalo-bissau-guinéen
Due to its geographical position (proximity to the Atlantic Ocean), the richness of its ecosystems (predominantly mangrove rivers) and the importance of socio-economic activities (fishing, rice growing, tourism, etc.), West Africa remains one of the most important regions in the world. It is among the regions most affected by environmental changes and rural dynamics. Basically based on the results obtained within the framework of the Water Heritage and Territories consortium (PATEO), this work analyzes the vulnerability and resilience of coastal socio-ecosystems in West Africa in terms of the state of current knowledge and questions their future. The results revealed relatively significant environmental and socio-economic changes, positive or negative, testifying to the strong dynamics of West African coastal areas. These changes are based on various external and internal forces exerted on ecosystems and societies, especially rural ones, and have been causing them to evolve since the 1970s. In this context, societies and environments are subject to the same hazards, but have shown themselves to be more or less vulnerable or resilient depending on their degree of dependence on the outside. This situation greatly influences public land use planning policies.