Pharmaceutics (Nov 2020)
Equine Drug Transporters: A Mini-Review and Veterinary Perspective
Xenobiotic transport proteins play an important role in determining drug disposition and pharmacokinetics. Our understanding of the role of these important proteins in humans and pre-clinical animal species has increased substantially over the past few decades, and has had an important impact on human medicine; however, veterinary medicine has not benefitted from the same quantity of research into drug transporters in species of veterinary interest. Differences in transporter expression cause difficulties in extrapolation of drug pharmacokinetic parameters between species, and lack of knowledge of species-specific transporter distribution and function can lead to drug–drug interactions and adverse effects. Horses are one species in which little is known about drug transport and transporter protein expression. The purpose of this mini-review is to stimulate interest in equine drug transport proteins and comparative transporter physiology.