Физика волновых процессов и радиотехнические системы (Jan 2020)
About the capacity of OFDM modems in radio channels with signal jamps
The article analyzes the bandwidth of OFDM modems in radio channels with signal fading caused by multipath propagation of waves from a transmitter to a receiver. It is shown that the transmission rate of digital stream B or the throughput of OFDM modems in radio channels with signal fading increases with an increase in the number of OFDM modem subcarriers equal to the number of processing points of the FFT processor, with an increase in the number of signal modulation positions of each modem subcarrier and with a decrease in the duration of signal wounds. In this case, the processing time by the FFT processor of the entire set of points equal to the number of subcarriers in OFDM modems should be less than the symbol duration on each modem subcarrier.