Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2008)
Množično vrednotenje kmetijskih zemljišč : Mass Appraisal of Agricultural Land
The paper deals with mass appraisal of agricultural land which is a mass appraisal procedure, carried out by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The model for mass appraisal of agricultural land is based on sales comparison approach where net income zones are taken as the basis. Net income zones are based on the established income from agricultural activities, which depends on rotation, production technologies and crop levels as the result of natural conditions for the production. The most important valuefactor for all models for mass appraisal and also of agricultural land model is the location. The impact of location on the market value of the land is expressed by value zones .Value level expresses different levels of value land in each individual zone. The model formass appraisal of agricultural land has its own value zones. The agricultural land model has currently 20 value levels, which range from 0.50 /m2 to 19.59 / m2. The value of agricultural land also depends on land quality, which is expressed by bonita points andland size. These three factors determine the value of agricultural land. It is calculated as the product of value per m2 of a norm object (the impact of location), bonita factor (the quality of agricultural land) and size (plot size). The market data used in this paper are based on the market data of the Tax Authority ofthe Republic of Slovenia and on the data taken from the register of real estate market for 2007 carried out by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Examination of agricultural land market shows that the maximum average value of agricultural land is in the Primorje region where due to speculative reasons land is sold at relatively high prices, irrespective of the quality. High average prices of agricultural land are also in central Slovenia, in a part of Gorenjska region, while the prices in the remaining parts of Slovenia are relatively low and do not exceed 1 Euro per m2.