Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Jul 2022)
Precise dynamic finite element elastic-plastic seismic analysis considering welds for nuclear power plants
This study performed a precise dynamic finite element time history elastic-plastic seismic analysis considering the welds, which have been not considered in design stage, on the nuclear components subjected to severe seismic loadings such as beyond-design basis earthquakes for sustainable nuclear power plants. First, the dynamic finite element elastic-plastic seismic analysis was performed for a general design practice that does not take into account the welds of the pressurizer surge line system, one of safety class I components in nuclear power plants, and then the reference values for the accumulated equivalent plastic strain, equivalent plastic strain, and von Mises effective stress were set. Second, the dynamic finite element elastic-plastic seismic analyses were performed for the case of considering only the mechanical strength over-mismatch of the welds as well as for the case of considering both the strength over-mismatch and welding residual strain. Third, the effects of the strength over-mismatch and welding residual strain were analyzed by comparing the finite element analysis results with the reference values. As a result of the comparison, it was found that not considering the strength over-mismatch may lead to conservative assessment results, whereas not considering the welding residual strain may be non-conservative.