Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem ()

Nursing process: from literature to practice. What are we actually doing?

  • Simoni Pokorski,
  • Maria Antonieta Moraes,
  • Régis Chiarelli,
  • Angelita Paganin Costanzi,
  • Eneida Rejane Rabelo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3
pp. 302 – 307


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OBJECTIVES: To describe the steps of the nursing process as prescribed in the literature and to investigate the process as actually applied in the daily routine of a general hospital. METHODS: Cross-sectional retrospective study (May/June 2005), performed in a hospital in Porto Alegre, RS. Medical records of adult patients admitted to a surgical, clinical or intensive care unit were reviewed to identify the nursing process steps accomplished during the first 48h after admission. The form for data collection was structured according to other reports. RESULTS: 302 medical records were evaluated. Nursing records and physical examination were included in over 90% of them. Nursing diagnosis was not found in any of the records. Among the steps performed, prescription was the least frequent. Evolution of the case was described in over 95% of the records. CONCLUSIONS: All nursing steps recommended in the literature, except for diagnosis, are performed in the research institution.
