Porto das Letras (Feb 2018)
Lavour’Arcaica: Imaginário, Tradição e Conflito em uma Representação
Abstract: This article offers an analysis of the film Lavour’Arcaica (Luís Fernando Carvalho, 2001), inspired by the homonym novel written by Raduan Nassar (1975), through the extraction of some elements that will enable us to see it as a representation of a hybrid religious imaginary amalgamated by the junction of Islam and Christianity - an inherent characteristic of the Syrian-Lebanese culture to which Nassar belonged. The article also discusses the problematics of the film adaptations, often seen as inferior and lower in stature or importance as their correspondent literary works, considering the specificity of each one instead off equivalence in all senses, purposes, and formats. Authors and their pieces about imaginary will be shown, whose diversity in their respective science fields will yield many ways to conceptualize it, transferring, therefore, a view upon both the literary work and the film, each one exposed here as departing from its own autonomous and particular character.