Ķazaķstannyṇ Klinikalyķ Medicinasy (Oct 2021)
Is pain perception different in pediatric and adult patients undergoing stone crushing procedure after the application of multimodal analgesia?
Aim: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is an important modality in the treatment of urinary system stone disease in children and adults. However, ESWL may be painful and stressful procedure. We aimed to examine the differences between pain perception felt during ESWL in children and adult patients after the application of multimodal analgesia. Method: Patients who underwent the stone crushing procedure under multimodal analgesia at the ESWL unit of Mersin University Hospital Urology Clinic between May 2010 and December 2010, were divided into two groups as pediatric and adult. Using the VAS form, the adult patients’ and pediatric patients' pain perception felt during ESWL, were scored and compared. Results: The difference between the mean scores of pain perception felt during ESWL were not significant for all three sessions in both groups. But the difference between the mean scores of pain perception felt during all ESWL sessions between the pediatric and adult groups were significant for all three sessions. The success rate for SWL was calculated as 83.3% for the pediatric group and 80% for the adult group. Conclusion: ESWL is a painful procedure. Our ESWL success rate is compatible with the literature. The pediatric and adult patients successfully completed the ESWL procedure with multimodal analgesia. The pain perception felt during ESWL score was higher in pediatric cases.