Acta Crystallographica Section E (Feb 2010)

Sr3(Al3+xSi13−x)(N21−xO2+x):Eu2+(x ∼ 0): a monoclinic modification of Sr-sialon

  • Nobuo Ishizawa,
  • Minami Kamoshita,
  • Koichiro Fukuda,
  • Kousuke Shioi,
  • Naoto Hirosaki

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 66, no. 2
pp. i14 – i14


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The structure of the title compound, Sr-bearing oxonitridoaluminosilicate (Sr-sialon), contains two types of channels running along the a axis, with the three unique Sr atoms (coordinatioon number seven) residing in the larger one. The channels cross a three-dimensional Si–Al–O–N network, in which the Si and Al atoms are in a tetrahedral coordination with N and O atoms. The chemical composition of the crystal is close to Sr3Al3Si13N21O2 (tristrontium trialuminium tridecasilicon henicosanitride dioxide), which can be expressed as a mixture of SrSiN2, Si3N4, AlN, and SiO2 components in the molar ratio 3:3:3:1. The crystal studied was metrically orthorhombic, consisting of four twin components related by metric merohedry.