Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas (Jun 2019)

Ethical aspects of research in Digestive Endoscopy

  • Elizabeth Montes de Oca Megías

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 3
pp. 550 – 562


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Introduction: In the last years, diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy has been favored by the scientific and technical development. This has been possible due to the development of scientific research in which it is necessary to comply with ethical standards.Objective: This work aims to assess and present ethical aspects in research as well as to take into consideration some points related to the field of digestive endoscopy.Material and Methods: A bibliographic search was made about the aspects related to ethics in the field of research in general and in digestive endoscopy specifically, from 2008 to March 15th, 2018. Biomedical databases were used such as: SciELO Regional, SciELO Cuba, Pub-Med, Medline, Cumed, Lilacs, Clinical Key, Ebsco, Cochrane and Google search engine. A total of 20 scientific papers were chosen.Results: The scientific and technical advances have reported great benefits for humanity; the research works carried out to promote this development have sometimes led to serious ethical problems, hence the need to promote and comply with bioethical principles in order to respect the right and dignity of the person.Conclusions: Research work carried out in the field of gastroenterology promotes scientific and technical development and physicians´ knowledge. Acting in compliance with bioethical principles is essential and should be a paradigm for physicians that guides them in the technique and humanism and encourages them to become better people day after day. Keywords: Ethics, Bioethics, Endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Research, Informed Consent, Ethics Committees.
