MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
Case study of application geotextile tube in the construction of sea dike and shore protection
Recently, because of the shortage of natural rock, traditional forms of the river and coastal structures have become very expensive to build and maintain. Therefore, the materials used in hydraulic and coastal structures are changing from the traditional rubble and concrete systems to the cheaper materials and systems. One of these alternatives employs geotextile tube technology in the construction of coastal and shore protection structures, such as embankment, groins, jetties, detached breakwaters and so on. Geotextile tube technology has changed from being an alternative construction technique and, in fact, has advanced to become the most effective solution of choice. Erosion problems in coastal zones are become increasingly serious due to the development of artificial activities related to the expansion of city functions, industrial complexes and harbour facilities, as well as the removal of sea sand for use in This erosion motion accelerates the regression of the coastal cliff due to the regression of the dunes or the shoreline. In addition, the regression leads to loss of real estate in the hinterland and ruins the shock-absorbing zone between land, and sea. Therefore, the destruction of the dunes may lead to a loss of the habitat or egg-laying grounds of living creatures. In addition, the erosion motion of coastal beach zones destroys the living sites of inhabitants who live in coastal beach zones, and the erosion problem harms the local economy by decreasing the number of visitors. The sea dikes can be easily damaged by the attack of seismic sea wave (Tsunami) due to massive earthquake like the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. For these reasons, concern is increasing for the protection of coastal line. Many nations are striving to prevent damage to such zones, as are private organizations and local self-governments. One such preventive effort is beach nourishment or construction of the coast structures. Geotextile containment such as small sandbag has been adopted for the construction of civil structures in the past, large volume geotextile containers are being applied widely in consideration of economical and easy installation, and also for the minimization of environmental effects. Especially, contaminated soil and sediments dredged from port area are utilized to fill in geotextile containment for reclamation. Geotextile containment is widely classified into geotextile bag, geotextile tube, and geotextile containment, and they are filled with soil to be shaped of structure. The filling method is normally hydraulic filling by means of pumping, and also mechanical method can be applied according to the site condition. Thus, Shore erosion is currently causing millions of dollars worth of damage to shorelines and public properties not only along the east coast of Korea but also around the world. Little else needs to be said to emphasize that, without adequate protection, a very significant part of our coastline will fall prey to the ravages of the sea and to man himself.