European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Jul 2021)
Quantum theory of $$k(\phi )$$ k ( ϕ ) -FLRW-metrics its connection to Chern-Simons-models and the theta vacuum structure of quantum gravity
Abstract We show how a foliated 4-dimensional FLRW-metric becomes a gravitational instanton, if the spatial metric minimizes a three-dimensional Einstein–Hilbert action with positive cosmological constant, which is equal to the demand, that the scale factor satisfies the Bogomolny-equation, where the curvature parameter varies over the one-parameter family of hyperslices and takes the role of a potential depending on the scale factor. Additionally, we draw the connection to SO(4)-Chern–Simons theory and show how the established interpolating solutions describe the gradient flow between the minima of the vacuums of the Einstein–Hilbert action, as well as how they can be used to calculate tunnelling-amplitudes of gravitons and trivialize the calculations of path integrals in quantum gravity. All the calculations are carried out particularly for k admitting a $${\mathbb {Z}}_{2}$$ Z 2 -symmetry.