LingVaria (Jul 2014)
Słownictwo podhalańskie w Etymologicznym słowniku języka polskiego Andrzeja Bańkowskiego
Podhalan vocabulary in A. Bańkowski’s Etymologiczny słownik języka polskiego ‘Polish etymological dictionary’ The paper discusses Podhalan vocabulary contained in Andrzej Bańkowski’s Etymologiczny słownik języka polskiego (SEBań) ‘Polish etymological dictionary’. It scrutinizes the information on the origin of words, and also their dating and other parts of Bańkowski’s commentary. By contrasting data from dialectal atlases and dialectal and etymological dictionaries, this author shows that the material found in SEBań is in a large part inaccurate or even erroneous. In the latter case (e.g. oscypek) own explanations have been proposed.