Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Oct 2018)
Prenatal diagnosis of a familial 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion encompassing CDH18, CDH12, PMCHL1, PRDM9 and CDH10 in a fetus with congenital heart disease on prenatal ultrasound
Objective: We present prenatal diagnosis of a familial 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion in a fetus with congenital heart disease on prenatal ultrasound. Case report: A 33-year-old woman underwent amniocentesis at 18 weeks of gestation because of fetal ventricular septal defect (VSD) and echogenic bowel on prenatal ultrasound. Amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 46,XX,del (5) (p14p14). Simultaneous array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) analysis on the DNA extracted from uncultured amniocytes revealed a 5.589-Mb 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion or arr 5p14.3p14.1 (19, 497, 649–25,086,268) × 1.0 [GRCh37 (hg19)] encompassing CDH18, CDH12, PMCHL1, PRDM9 and CDH10. Cytogenetic and aCGH analyses of the parents showed that the phenotypically normal mother carried the 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion. The father did not have such a deletion. The parents elected to continue the pregnancy, and a 3426-g female baby was delivered at 38 weeks of gestation with no gross abnormalities. The infant postnatally manifested VSD, atrial septal defect and patent ductus areriosus, and underwent cardiac surgery to treat the congenital heart disease. When follow-up at age 1 year and 4 months, she had a body weight of 8.8 Kg (50th–75th centile), a body height of 75.6 cm (85th–95th centile) and normal psychomotor development. Conclusion: Fetuses with a 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion may present congenital heart disease on prenatal ultrasound, and aCGH is helpful for prenatal diagnosis under such a circumstance. Keywords: 5p14.3-p14.1 deletion, Cadherin, Congenital heart defect, Prenatal diagnosis