Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science (Sep 2000)

Suplementação de Treonina em Dietas de Frangos de Corte, Variando a Energia e as Relações Energia: Proteína Threonine Supplementation in Broiler Diets Varying Energy and Energy: Protein Ratio

  • MF Reginatto,
  • AML Ribeiro,
  • AM Penz Jr,
  • AM Kessler,
  • EL Krabbe

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 3
pp. 239 – 247


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Dois experimentos (EXP 1 e 2) foram conduzidos para avaliar relações energia metabolizável:proteína bruta (EM:PB) e a adição de treonina (Thr) em dietas com alta (A) (3.200kcal EM/kg) e baixa (B) (2.900kcal EM/kg) energia, sobre desempenho e composição de carcaças de frangos de corte machos. As relações energia:proteína foram 139 e 160 kcal/%, para as dietas iniciais (1 a 21 dias) (EXP 1) e 160 e 181kcal/%, para as de crescimento (22 a 40 dias) (EXP 2), nos dois níveis de energia. As dietas com ampla relação EM:PB foram suplementadas, ou não, com Thr a fim de iguala-las às dietas com menor EM:PB. Os níveis de Met+Cys e de Lys foram constantes. As aves receberam uma dieta única após (EXP1), ou antes (EXP2) do fornecimento das dietas experimentais. Nos dois EXP as dietas A proporcionaram melhor desempenho: ganho de peso (GP),consumo de ração e conversão alimentar (CA) (pTwo experiments (EXP) were carried out to investigate the metabolizable energy:crude protein ratios (ME:CP) and threonine addition (Thr) in high-energy (H) (3.200kcal ME/kg) and low-energy (L) (2.900kcal ME/kg) diets, on the performance and carcass composition of male broiler chickens. The ME:CP ratios were: 139 and 160kcal/% for starter diets (1 to 21 days of age) (EXP 1) and 160 and 181kcal/% for grower diets (22 to 40 days)(EXP 2), in both energy levels, keeping Met + Cys and Lys constant. Thr was supplemented to equalize its level to the lower EM:PB ratio. All birds received a unique diet after (EXP 1) or before (EXP 2) been fed with the experimental diets. In both EXP feeding H diets resulted in better performance -weight gain (WG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion (FC) (p<0,01) at the end of each experimental period. However, in EXP 1, birds fed with L diets during the starter period had better caloric conversion (kcal/kg) (CC) in the total period (1 to 40 days), as an indicative of accelerated growth. The lower levels of Thr (0.74 and 0.69% for H and L diets, respectively) were not limiting for birds' performance. On EXP 2, the 181 ME:CP decreased WG (p<0.08) and increased FC (p<0.01) in both energy levels. Thr was not a limiting amino acid in initial practical diets (1 to 21 days of age). On the other hand, Thr supplementation improved performance of birds at 181 E:CP (22 to 40 days) (EXP2). Thr addition did not influence carcass composition in both EXP.
