Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Feb 2015)
Apicoectomy Versus Apexification
The aim was to evaluate treatment outcomes after apicoectomy and apexification in adjacent non-vital maxillary central incisors with large periapical radiolucencies, in a 10-year-old boy. The patient had complained of tenderness in the upper central incisors on mastication and gave a history of trauma to those teeth three years ago. On examination, there were found to be non-vital. Apexification (using Metapex) and apicoectomy (obturation with gutta percha) were performed on 11 and 21, respectively. Radiographical observations were made six months, one year and two years, post-operatively. Apical repair was found to be more favorable after apicoectomy than apexification, for a non-vital maxillary central incisor with an open apex and large periapical radiolucency.