Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Dec 2015)

Transformasi Pendidikan Agama dan Sains Dikotomik ke Pendidikan Nondikotomik

  • Maksudin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 277 – 298


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Modern society is experiencing a spiritual emptiness that caused by dichotomous thinking between religion and science. Therefore, it is important to do the transformation from dichotomous understanding and education into nondichotomous. This effort can be used as an alternative to solve the problems of the education system and the dichotomous life system. Some of the advantages of nondichotomous for education system and the life system is the realization of: integration, interconnection, holistic, integrated, comprehensive, one system, one entity, strong, collective, religious, humane, peaceful, familiar, humble, thorough, work hard, work smartly, work well, work completely, and work sincerely. While the weaknesses of the dichotomy in the life of the nation lead to several things: separation, stand-alone, partial, incomplete, divided, fragmented, dispersed, collapsed, weak, individual, secular, radical, anarchist, haughty, arrogant, incomplete, fast lackluster, quickly surrendered, carelessly, incomplete result, selfishness and despair. Thus the nondichotomousreligious education and science in line with the basic principles of the theological-dogmatic and philosophical-methodological
