Zhongguo youzhi (Jun 2023)
元素分析-稳定同位素质谱法结合化学计量学 鉴别橄榄油掺假Olive oil adulteration identification using elemental analysis-stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer coupled with chemometrics
为建立快速鉴别橄榄油掺假的检测方法,以特级初榨橄榄油、玉米油、猪油、牛油和鸭油为实验材料,通过元素分析-稳定同位素质谱仪测定油脂的δ13C、δ18O和δ2H,并结合化学计量学鉴定橄榄油掺假。采用主成分分析(PCA)和正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS-DA)两种统计分析方法建立不同油脂的鉴别模型和橄榄油掺假鉴别模型。结果表明:橄榄油的δ13C、δ18O和δ2H范围分别在-30.411×10-3~-28.996×10-3、23.583×10-3~25.581×10-3、-163.611×10-3~-132.251×10-3 之间;橄榄油与玉米油、猪油、牛油和鸭油的OPLS-DA鉴别模型准确性稍好,3个变量δ13C、δ2H和δ18O对不同油脂区分的贡献度VIP值分别为1.056、0.997和0.943;使用其他4种油脂对橄榄油进行掺假时,OPLS-DA鉴别模型可明显区分橄榄油与掺假油;PCA-Class鉴别模型对橄榄油掺入玉米油、猪油、牛油和鸭油的检测限分别为5.8%、5.6%、6.4%和12.5%,盲样验证鉴别准确率可达100%。该方法所构建的鉴别模型准确可靠,可有效识别橄榄油中掺入玉米油、猪油、牛油和鸭油。 To establish a rapid detection method for the adulteration of olive oil,extra virgin olive oil, maize oil, lard, beef tallow and duck fat were used as materials, and an elemental analysis-stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer determining δ13C,δ18O and δ2H couple with chemometrics was established to identify olive oil adulteration. Two statistical analysis methods, principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), were used to establish identification models for different oils and olive oil adulteration. The results showed that the δ13C,δ18O and δ2H of olive oil range from -30.411×10-3--28.996×10-3, 23.583×10-3-25.581×10-3 and -163.611×10-3--132.251×10-3, respectively. The accuracy of the OPLS-DA identification model of olive oil, maize oil, lard, beef tallow and duck fat was slightly better. The VIP values of δ13C, δ2H and δ18O were 1.056, 0.997 and 0.943, respectively. When adulterating olive oil with the other four kinds of oils, the OPLS-DA identification models could clearly distinguish olive oil from adulterated oil. The limits of determination of maize oil, lard, beef tallow and duck fat adulterated in olive oil were 5.8%, 5.6%, 6.4% and 12.5% respectively by PCA-Class model, and the test sample verification accuracy could reach 100%. The identification models constructed are accurate and reliable, and can effectively identify the adulteration of maize oil, lard, beef tallow and duck fat in olive oil.