Terrains/Théories (Nov 2014)
Monnaie du commun et revenu social garanti
This paper aims at preparing the grounds for the money of the common problematics through questions crowded out by mainstream theory of the commons. Our analysis of the relation between money and theory of the common is divided into three parts : in the first part, we make a critique of the theory of the commons in which money and labour are strangely absent. On this basis, we will characterize an approach of the Common in the singular, in which the question of money and the division of labour transformations are central. This approach based on the triad labour-money-surplus value will also be the guiding principle for bringing forward again the controversy opposing Marx to Proudhonians who were the forerunners of an approach of money as a common. Second, we will rely on the Marxian theories of circuit to show that the specifically monetary nature of the capital-labour relationship is the essential starting point of a consideration on money of the common. Third, this consideration will make appear why the concept of guaranteed social income corresponds to an institution of the Common in which monetary creation is endogenous not only to capital but above all to the autonomous reproduction of labour power.