BMC Health Services Research (Sep 2022)
Burnout among midwives—the factorial structure of the burnout assessment tool and an assessment of burnout levels in a Swedish national sample
Abstract Background Many workplaces, within the healthcare sector, experience high rates of mental health problems such as burnout, anxiety, and depression, due to poor psychosocial working conditions and midwives are not an exception. To develop preventive interventions, epidemiologic surveillance of burnout levels, and their relation to professional specific working conditions is needed. Aims of this study is to assess the construct validity of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) in the context of Swedish midwives, to evaluate whether the item responses can be combined into a single score and differential item functioning regarding age. Another aim was to assess the burnout levels of Swedish midwives. Methods Data come from a national cohort of Swedish midwives (n = 1664). The construct validity was evaluated using Rasch analysis. Burnout levels were presented by median and first (Q1) and third (Q3) quartiles for the BAT total score and the four subscales (exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment). Results In the analysis including all 23 items the fit to the Rasch model was not obtained. Items within each subscale clustered together in a residual correlation matrix in a pattern consistent with the underlying conceptualization of the BAT, indicating multidimensionality. The Rasch analysis was re-run using the four testlets as input variables which resulted in a good fit. The median burnout level was 2.0 (Q1 = 1.6, Q3 = 2.4). The four subscales differentiated the picture (elevated levels on exhaustion and low levels on the other three subscales). Conclusions The construct validity of the BAT for use in the context of Swedish midwives was confirmed. The results indicated a strong general factor, meaning that the responses can be combined into a single burnout score. The scale works invariantly for different age groups. The results of this study secure access to a validated instrument to be used for accurate assessment of the burnout levels among midwives in Sweden.