RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2017)
Dynamics of the density of lawn grass and herbage on loamy and sandy soils
Conducted research on the dynamics of the density of single-species and mixed grass crops on sod-podzolic soils of the Ryazan region. The estimation of the density of turf grass stands in the years 2012-2014 studies found that the highest density had a single-species crops: Kentucky bluegrass, red fescue, bent grass selenobrachys, and among mixed crops - a three-component grass mixture (red fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, bent grass selenobrachys) and four-component mixture (selenobrachys bent grass, red fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, red fescue). The lowest density of planting was installed at the perennial ryegrass in the second and third years and three-component grass mixture (red fescue, sheep's fescue, perennial ryegrass) in the third year of life of grass. The trend of higher density turf grass stands revealed in experiment 1 for loamy soils compared to sandy loam.