Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research (Mar 2022)
Handgrip and Quadriceps Strength as Independent Predictors of Post-Stroke Depression and Anxiety
Background: The objective of this study was to whether handgrip andquadriceps strength can predict post-stroke depression (PSD) and post-strokeanxiety (PSA).Methods: This cross-sectional study involved sixty-six consenting strokepatients whose symptoms of depression and anxiety and affected handgrip andquadriceps strength were assessed by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS) and handheld dynamometers. Data was analyzed using descriptive andinferential statistics. Alpha level was set at P0.05);however, the presence of PSA was an independent predictor of PSD (B=0.590;P<0.001), while the presence of PSD (B=0.621; P=0.001) and younger age (B=-0.307; P<0.001) were independent predictors of PSA.Conclusion: Handgrip and quadriceps strength are not significant predictors ofPSD and PSA in stroke survivors; however, PSD and PSA can predict each other,indicating a bi-directional relationship, while age is a negative predictor of PSA.