Fysioterapeuten (Sep 2005)
Rytmisk auditiv stimulering i rehabilitering av pasienter med Parkinsons sykdom og andre nevrologiske lidelser
Recent developments in brain research and in the field of music therapy have led to the development of music-based methods specifically aimed at relieving symptoms of Parkinson's disease and other neurologic disorders. Rhythmic auditory stimulation uses external rhythmic auditory cues from song, music or metronome to improve patients walking ability and has been shown to be effective both within sessions and as a result of training over time. Physiotherapists can apply rhythmic auditory stimulation as a more specific way to conduct gait training and evaluate results of training over time. This well-documented technique can be tailored to meet varying needs, and makes it easier for the patient to continue training at home. The article describes the neurophysiological basis of the technique, recent studies and the practical application of rhythmic auditory stimulation.