Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2007)

金融隱私權保障與財富管理發展之衝突與協調―兼評美國與台灣之規範政策 Finding the Best Solutions to Adequately Protect Consumers’ Financial Privacy in the New Era of Financial Services

  • 林育廷 Yu-Ting Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 147 – 198


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「金融隱私」(Financial Privacy),係指個人控制、蒐集、揭露和使用關於其金融交易事務的權利;所謂財富管理則係透過理財專員對個人財務資訊與理財需求之檢視,妥善應用市場上之各項金融商品,最終達到個人財務配置之最適化。是以,隨金融服務之創新發展,財富管理業務之蓬勃,消費者個人金融資訊亦大量運用於金融服務提供與業務發展中,金融資訊隱私保障議題亦日顯重要。 台灣刻正進行金融服務法之立法草擬,本文乃從檢視金融隱私權相關概念出發,就財富管理業務之本質及發展趨勢進行討論,其中並探討財富管理業務發展過程中與消費者個人資訊隱私保障之可能衝突;其次,以美國、台灣現行金融隱私權規範作為本文法規檢視之對象,著重選擇退出與選擇加入模式之檢討與比較,最後以結合選擇退出、選擇加入之混合模式,輔以對通知義務及二手資料傳遞使用之限制,提出筆者關於財富管理時代金融隱私權規範之淺見以為主管機關及立法者參酌。 Financial Privacy means that a person owns the civil right to exclusively decide how one’s financial information and data are collected, disclosed and processed. Also, in recent years, with the emerging tide of the financial aggregation accompanied with great development of technology, the wealth management has taken the lead role in the industry and the customers are introduced to an era of tailor-made and elaborated financial services. Meanwhile, the catch is that the financial institutions’ customers have to join in to the big, comprehensive, and ambitious data-collection pool and have their financial privacy right diluted. We’re working on the project to have the financial service and the institutions well regulated now in Taiwan. While it is an important beginning to have the financial institutions’ conduct of business regulated, this paper plans to provide some discussions and suggestions as to how to provide some level of protections to the personal financial data collected by the financial institution by making laws and promulgating regulations. This paper exams the idea and contents of financial privacy as well as the characters of the wealth management, and also develops the comparative study of the US and Taiwan Law. Moreover, this paper elaborates the pros and cons of the two dominant models regulating the FIs’ usage of customers’ information and data – opt-in and opt-out. This paper concludes that, adopting opt-out option for affiliate sharing, opt-in option for sensitive information sharing and non-affiliate sharing, and the rights to access and to correct the personal data are the least but not the last things to well protect the customers’ financial privacy.
