Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2006)
透過網頁呈現專題成果之學習 Presenting Project Works on the Web
本研究探討專題式學習融入五年級自然與生活科技領域之教學。研究以小規模的科學營專題學習作為深入觀察之起點,繼而擴及較大規模的七個班級的自然課專題學習。學生除了經歷科學專題探索之外,並將探索成果以專題網頁呈現。藉由選定的專題,學生以4-5人為一組,除了學習相關科學性知識外,更透過Internet資源的探索,搜尋相關資訊,並經由分享、討論,以助知識之整合。另方面也經由網路多媒體工具作為自然知識專題發表的途徑。研究過程中結合計質性與計量性方法。計質性資料,包括觀察紀錄、錄影帶資料、錄音訪談資料,以及教師日誌。計量性資料方面,共蒐集229名學生自評反應、同儕評分,與教師評量作為資料分析的來源。研究結果歸納:學生在各個階段的任務(包括取得基本知識與技巧、定義探索任務、探索與蒐集、組織與整合內容、透過網頁呈現)反映不同的情意、行動,與認知之學習表現。學生對於專題式學習持肯定態度。透過專題學習,學生能夠很清楚所要探討的問題並能由完成專題而獲得成就感。而學生自評、同儕自評、教師評分三者反映顯著相關性(p < 0.01)。In this study, projected-based learning was applied to the field of Nature Science Technology teaching among 5th graders. The project-based learning approach first started with a small-scale implementation among 25-30 SciCamp members, and was then expanded to a large-scale implementation among seven fifth-grader classes. To accomplish a project, students worked as a group of 4-5 persons in a team. They were encouraged to learn basic scientific knowledge, and used the Internet as a research tool that allowed information to be gathered, shared and consulted to facilitate synthesis of knowledge. They also used webpage design tools to present their project results. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Qualitative data included observation notes, videotapes, audiotapes, and teachers’ journals. Quantitative data gathered from 229 students included students’ self-assessment, peers assessment, and teacher assessment. From their project-based learning, students actually conducted a research through guided research processes and interpreted their understanding of knowledge through the presentation of webpage design tools. Students’ learning from the processes of gaining knowledge and skills, identifying research tasks, obtaining data & information, organizing and interpreting content, and presentation through a webpage editor. Their task-involvement in action, affective, and achievement aspects were analyzed. Students were positively about project-based learning approach, and enjoyed the achievement of accomplishing a project work through experiencing. Quantitative data reveal that students’ self-evaluation, peer assessment, and teacher assessment were significantly related (p < 0.01).