Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Nov 2015)

Perawatan Gigi dengan Anestesi Umum pada Anak Cerebral Palsy (Laporan Kasus)

  • Tri Putriany A. M. Putriany,
  • Sarworini Bagio Budiardjo,
  • Ismu Suharsono Suwelo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2


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This report describes an 11 years old boy with Cerebral Palsy who treated under general anesthesia, because patient extremely uncooperative. Treatment involved 2 GIC restorations and 7 extractions. Under general anesthesia, total oral rehabilitation can be finished at a single operative visit with minimal psychological trauma. At follow-ip visit patient exhibited positive behavior and better coping with dental situation.