Acta Médica del Centro (May 2009)
Abscessed cyst of the urachus: a case report
The urachus is a tubular structure located in the infraumbilical midline extending from the anterior portion of the bladder dome to the umbilicus. The persistence of some parts of the urachus will lead to congenital anomalies derived from it, being the cyst the most common one. The urachal cysts are small and remain unnoticed until some complications present clinical symptoms, sepsis among them. A 64 year old patient complaining of a pain in the hypogastrium for 15 days is presented. The patient had a palpable tumor mass about 10cm in diameter. An ultrasonography of the abdomen and of the soft parts was carried out and an infected urachal cyst was diagnosed. An emergency total resection was carried out and the patient evolved satisfactorily being discharged the seventh day of the postoperative.