Problemi Ekonomiki (Sep 2018)
The Systems and Structural Approach to the Formation of Economic Resilience of an Enterprise
The aim of the article is to summarize the methodological foundations of the systems and structural approach to the formation of enterprise resilience. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set and resolved: using the systems and structural approach, the elements of the economic system of an enterprise are standardized, the content of each structural element is disclosed, indicators of control for potential hazards and consequences in case of its occurrence are determined, criteria of resilience of functioning and development of the economic system are formed. There summarized key provisions of the methodology of the systems and structural approach in terms of identifying the basic structural components of the economic system of an enterprise (resources, processes, structure, environment) and studying the system of indicators of control over the state of their use in enterprise economic activity. The singled out indicators of control over resilience of elements constituting the proposed enterprise structure allow identifying resilience criteria for each type of enterprise processes for basic structural components that ensure its effective functioning. Hazards and their consequences for each structural component of an enterprise are generalized. The combination of the structure of an enterprise’s economic system and its main functional processes made it possible to generalize the criteria of resilience of its functioning and development. The presented systems and structural approach allow managing resilience of each subsystem of an enterprise by shaping the resilience of each structural component of the subsystem, and the proposed system of indicators for monitoring the state of resilience allows the formation of a concept of resilience management.