Red U (Dec 2014)
Primary data of economic stimulus effects for faculty members: the teachers’ case.
Analyzing how university teachers’ academic calling is changing entails understanding the changing motivational pressures they are subject to. Over the course of the last ten years, the use of federal Economic Stimulus Programs (PEEs) in Mexican public universities has been a factor that needs to be analyzed both for its successes and also in terms of some undesirable effects it has had. Many have suggested that the change in the objective well-being of academics that is caused by these PEEs does not necessarily result in an improvement in their performance as researchers or teachers. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to provide information on the actual situation, which is more tenuous when making a distinction among: the gap between what academics believe regarding the notion of quality, the value provided by the PEEs to their teaching duties, professors’ multifunctional profile, or other academic functions such as research. Based on an abbreviated method designed to observe the viewpoint imposed on the faculty, which consists of the design of a questionnaire and an initial interpretation of its results, we will show how the statistical data were obtained. These data will be also useful for a subsequent qualitative interpretation. The idea is to encourage the confluence of ideas that derive from this method and that different researchers would want to delve into. In this case the data are combined with information that explains some of the effects inferred from them that are related to teaching.