Danza e Ricerca (Jul 2023)
Laboratori del nuovo. Progettualità per la danza a Bologna e in Emilia-Romagna
In a context made fertile by lively research paths through Italian theatre, by an institutional framework attentive to the artistic ferments underway, by the birth of a degree course dedicated to the arts such as DAMS, at the Bologna University, by the programming of landmark initiatives such as the Santarcangelo Festival or the “Settimana della performance”, from the birth of the Compagnia di balletto dell'ATER, later Aterballetto, in the 1970s in Emilia-Romagna a renewed panorama of dance emerged, where figures such as Fiorella De Pierantoni and Elena Balboni experimented with artistic practices based on the dancing body and united by a focus on underlying themes breaking schemes, the search for psychophysical well-being, a certain idea of freedom.