Motricidad (Sep 2010)


  • A. Vaquera,
  • J. C. Morante,
  • J. García-López,
  • J. A. Rodríguez-Marroyo,
  • C. Ávila,
  • P.R. Mendonca,
  • J.G. Villa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 0
pp. 19 – 40


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<p>&nbsp;</p><p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>RESUMEN </strong><span class="tabulado"> </span></p> <p class="tabulado1" align="justify">Considerando al baloncesto como un deporte ac&iacute;clico y discontinuo, se ha dise&ntilde;ado y validado un test de campo interv&aacute;lico (TIVRE-Basket) para la valoraci&oacute;n de la resistencia espec&iacute;fica del jugador de baloncesto que permite identificar el umbral anaer&oacute;bico y analizar su capacidad de recuperaci&oacute;n. Un total de 18 jugadores profesionales de baloncesto realizaron un test de laboratorio en tapiz rodante mediante protocolo en rampa, con medici&oacute;n de VO2m&aacute;x y determinaci&oacute;n del umbral anaer&oacute;bico ventilatorio (VT2), y 48 horas despu&eacute;s realizaron el test de campo TIVRE-Basket con puls&oacute;metro. No hubo diferencias significativas entre el test en tapiz y el TIVRE-Basket en la FCm&aacute;x (189.2&plusmn;1.3 vs. 189.6&plusmn;1ppm) ni el FC-umbral anaer&oacute;bico (175.2&plusmn;8 vs. 176.5&plusmn;7ppm), pero si en la velocidad m&aacute;xima (17.58&plusmn;0.1 vs. 14.2&plusmn;1.2 km/h) y en la velocidad umbral anaer&oacute;bico (12.9&plusmn;0.4 vs 10.34&plusmn;0.1 km/h). Se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas (p&lt;0.01) entre el VO2m&aacute;x y las velocidades m&aacute;ximas en tapiz y TIVRE-Basket. Tambi&eacute;n se encontraron diferencias significativas s&oacute;lo por debajo del umbral anaer&oacute;bico interv&aacute;lico en las frecuencias cardiacas m&aacute;ximas de cada intervalo de esfuerzo y la m&iacute;nima en cada recuperaci&oacute;n. El TIVRE-Basket result&oacute; &uacute;til y espec&iacute;fico en la valoraci&oacute;n de la resistencia aer&oacute;bica y capacidad de recuperaci&oacute;n del jugador de baloncesto. Palabras clave: Baloncesto. Consumo m&aacute;ximo de ox&iacute;geno. Umbral anaer&oacute;bico. Recuperaci&oacute;n. Test de Campo</p> <p class="tabulado" align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p class="tabulado1" align="justify">Considering basketball as an acyclic and discontinuous sport it has been designed and validated a field test (TIVRE-Basket) for the evaluation of the specific resistance of the basketball player who allows to identify the anaerobic threshold and to analyze his capacity of recovery. 18 professional basketball players realized a treadmill test (PowerJog M30), with measurement of VO2m&aacute;x and determination of the anaerobic ventilatory threshold (VT2). 48 h later realized the field test TIVRE-Basket with heart rate monitors (Polar Vantage NV). There were neither significant differences between the treadmill test and the TIVRE-Basket neither in the maximum HR (189.2&plusmn;1.3 vs 189.6&plusmn;1bpm) nor the HR-anaerobic threshold (175.2&plusmn;8 vs 176.5&plusmn;7bpm), but if in the maximum speed (17.58&plusmn;0.1 vs 14.2&plusmn;1.2 km/h) and in the anaerobic threshold speed (12.9&plusmn;0.4 vs 10.34&plusmn;0.1 km/h). Nevertheless there were obtained significant interrelations (p &lt;0.01) between the VO2max and the maximum speeds in the treadmill and TIVRE-Basket. Also significant differences were only below the intervallic anaerobic threshold in the cardiac maximum frequencies of every interval of effort and the minimum in every recovery. The TIVRE-Basket is useful and specific in the evaluation of the aerobic resistance and capacity of recovery of the basketball players. <br /> Key words: Basketball, Maximum Consumption of Oxygen, Anaerobic Threshold, Recovery, Field test</p>