Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro (May 2019)

Pemanfaatan Big Data Media Sosial Dalam Menganalisa Kemenangan Pilkada

  • Dewa Ayu Putri Wulandari,
  • Made Sudarma,
  • Nyoman Paramaita

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 101 – 104


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The election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Bali will go through several stages of elections starting from the determination of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Bali to the stages of vote counting. In the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Bali the community can be directly involved in the voting stage which will be held on June 27, 2018 (General Commission Election or KPU, 2018). So that it raises many opinions, not only positive and neutral opinions but also negative ones. This research is expected to be able to conduct research on public opinion which contains positive, neutral and negative sentiments. In this research used tokenization preprocessing data N-gram method. N-gram is a token consisting of three words in each one token. In the stemming stages used the Nzief Adriani algorithm. For the classification process of this research used the ‘Naïve Bays Classifier (NBC) method. In testing the candidate Governor's data the highest accuracy was obtained from the classification ofKBS-Ace data on data taken from twitter with 89% accuracy, 91% precision and 94% recall and lowest accuracy when KBS-Ace data calcification process on social media Facebook.