Srusti Management Review (Dec 2015)
Quality of Work Life - A Study of OP Jindal Group
Quality of Work Life (QWL) is the degree to which employees are able to shape their jobs actively, in accordance withtheir options,interests andneeds. However iftheorganization provides the appropriate authority to design work activities to the individual employees, then it is highly possible that the work activities can match their employees’ needs that contribute to the organizational performance, Beukema (1987). QWL is thus the extent of relationships between individuals and organizational factors that are existing in the working environment. It is focusing strongly on providing a work environment conducive to satisfy individual needs. It is assumed that if employees have more positiveattitudesabouttheorganizationandtheirproductivity increases,everythingelsebeingequal,theorganization should be more effective. It is seen from various researches that employees of an organization often take their work to home due to heavy work demands, by which they cannot pay right attention to their family problems, take care of their family members, which ultimately leads to a disturbed and unbalanced work-life. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the overall quality of work life of O. P. Jindal Group, New Delhi. A literature review of previous study is given along with a questionnaire survey has been done using a standard questionnaire. To fulfill the objectives correlation of the factors among each other and also with QWL is calculated. The findings of the study reflect that the QWL of the group is positively influenced by the factors taken for the study.