Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Apr 2021)

Delivery care practices in the experience of puerperal women: analysis in the light of humanization

  • Pâmela da Rosa Gonzalez,
  • Lisie Alende Prates,
  • Joice Moreira Schmalfuss,
  • Jussara Mendes Lipinski,
  • Ana Paula de Lima Escobal,
  • Mari Luci Chalme da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 0
pp. e37 – e37


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Objective: to analyze the experiences of puerperal women about the professional practices developed in delivery care in the light of the theoretical contribution of humanization. Method: qualitative research, with the participation of ten puerperal women who experienced vaginal delivery, through semi-structured interviews, developed between September and November 2019. Thematic analysis was adopted. Results: practices that distanced themselves from humanization, such as enema, water and food restriction, frequent vaginal examinations, episiotomy, Valsalva and Kristeller maneuvers, predominated. The practices that approached humanization were the presence of the companion, use of methods of pain relief in the delivery and early skin contact between mother and baby. Conclusion: the experiences of the puerperal women were mainly marked by harmful or ineffective professional behaviors, performed inappropriately and with little scientific evidence about their efficacy. It is expected to support the reflection on the need for review and updating regarding good practices of delivery care.
