Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2008)

Gambling 2.0:美國「網路賭博」法制之研究 ― 兼論我國刑法對於網路賭博之評價 Gambling 2.0: A Study of US Legislation on Internet Gambling - Also with the Respect of Taiwan Criminal Law

  • 郭戎晉 Jung-Chin Kuo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 147 – 190


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近年來,隨著網路與資訊科技的進展,具有百年以上歷史的傳統賭博事業,也搭上了電子化的列車,順勢發展為不受地域及時間限制的「網路賭博」。在網路賭博迅速發展的同時,各國網路賭博政策卻相形分歧,即使如美國此等向來採取賭博合法化立場的國家,在面對網路賭博此一新興議題時,內部亦存在截然不同的因應思維。自第一家賭博網站設立以來,聯邦政府即明確宣示禁止網路賭博,但在2006 年通過「非法網路賭博規制法」之前,其所援引之法規卻飽受爭議。另一方面,在龐大的潛在利益及賦稅考量下,仍有部分州政府選擇擁抱此一新興產業,以內華達州為例,即分別於 2001 年及2005 年開放網路賭博及行動賭博。本文分別以聯邦及內華達州網路賭博法制為主進行分析,以期瞭解兩者法制上的差異性與彼此存在之問題。此外,就我國法制而言,基於刑法「賭博罪」專章之規範,現階段我國仍全面禁止各種形式之賭博,當中即包括了網路賭博;惟刑法對於網路賭博之評價,與傳統賭博行為之認定是否有所不同?也深值關注。同時,在龐大經濟效益的考量下,我國歷來已不斷地出現賭博合法化的呼聲,然從美國經驗可以發現無論是立法加以禁止,抑或是合法開放冀求有效管理之立場,由 於網路賭博擁有不同於傳統賭博的特色,連帶使得網路賭博造成的問題更形難解,而超乎禁止或開放網路賭博本身產生之爭論。在我國密切討論應否開放傳統商業賭場的同時,期待藉由本文之說明,俾利各界對於網路賭博此一饒富爭議的新興問題,能有更為深入之瞭解。 The recent development of internet and digital technology has changed the gambling industry. The traditional gambling business which has operated for hundreds of years is decaying, and the modern internet gambling which can operate non-stop across the border is growing rapidly. However, in the mean time, there are no globally convergent opinions about internet gambling. Currently, internet gambling is still illegal in most of countries where traditional gambling is permitted. Even in the US, a country where traditional gambling has been lawful for a long time, there has been much controversy and dispute over the issues of governing internet gambling. The US Federal Government not only clearly declared its position of against internet gambling right after the first internet gambling website was established, it also passed a bill, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, to reinforce its attitude towards this issue. However, some state governments still decided to legitimate internet gambling due to its enormously potential earnings and tax benefits. For example, internet gambling and mobile gambling was permitted in 2001 and 2005 respectively in Nevada State. In this study, I will focus on the relevant federal laws and Nevada State laws regard to internet gam bling. I hope my in-depth study on their differences can result in a thorough understanding of internet gambling. Moreover, it is worth to know whether our Criminal Law has different point of view on traditional gambling and internet gambling, despite any kind of gambling is prohibited in Taiwan.
