PLoS ONE (Jan 2013)
Evaluation of injectable constructs for bone repair with a subperiosteal cranial model in the rat.
While testing regenerative medicine strategies, the use of animal models that match the research questions and that are related to clinical translation is crucial. During the initial stage of evaluating new strategies for bone repair, the main goal is to state whether the strategies efficiently induce the formation of new bone tissue at an orthotopic site. Here, we present a subperiosteal model in rat calvaria that allow the evaluation of a broad range of approaches including bone augmentation, replacement and regeneration. The model is a fast to perform, minimally invasive, and has clearly defined control groups. The procedure enables to evaluate the outcomes quantitatively using micro-computed tomography and qualitatively by histology and immunohistochemistry. We established this new model, using bone morphogenetic protein-2 as an osteoinductive factor and hyaluronic acid hydrogel as injectable biomaterial. We showed that this subperiosteal cranial model offers a minimally invasive and promising solution for a rapid initial evaluation of injectables for bone repair. We believe that this approach could be a powerful platform for orthopedic research and regenerative medicine.