Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ (Dec 2023)
An investigation on effectiveness of tuned mass damper (TMD) device in mitigating structure vibration: a case study of small-scale steel beam
TMD devices are considered a reasonable solution to enhance the bearing capacity of the structures under unpredictable impacts from external forces because their operating principle is quite simple and does not vary the main structure. This paper investigated the influence of the TMD device, including its mass and stiffness, on the vibration reduction of the primary structure, a basic steel beam. In which, a small-scale steel beam model with boundary conditions through experiments was carried out. Then, simulated the experiment using MATLAB based on the experimental results to study the effect of TMD on the vibration of the structure. The results exhibit that the vibration-damping capacity of the main structure increases as the TMD mass increases. The stiffness of the main structure is less than 1,8k for both TMD 3% and 5%, resulting in the rapid increase of oscillation reduction efficiency.