Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry (May 2024)
Ectopic Supernumerary Kidney: A Rare Anatomic Variant
Abstract: Urogenital anomalies are common, correspond to 33% of all congenital anomalies and supernumerary kidney is one of the rarest entity; less than hundred cases have been reported in the past. The Supernumerary kidney is considered a third kidney in addition to the two already present independent kidneys and considered an infrequent developmental anomaly of the urinary tract. The accessory kidney most commonly located on left side caudal to the normal kidney. Because of uncommon occurrence and prevalence, it frequently causes diagnostic challenges in clinical practice. The supernumerary kidney must be differentiated from the more common congenital anomaly, duplex kidney, having two pelvicalcyceal systems that are connected with single or double ureters. The supernumerary kidney, in distinction, is thought to be an accessory organ with a separate arte rio-venous supply, collecting system and a different capsule. The case of a 33 years old male patient is depicted who presented a history of hypertension and was diagnosed as having left sided unilateral supernumerary kidney located cranial to normal renal parenchyma. Key Words: Urogenital Anomalies, Supernumerary Kidney, Accessory Kidney