European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Feb 2020)

Identification and correction of Sagnac frequency variations: an implementation for the GINGERINO data analysis

  • Angela D. V. Di Virgilio,
  • Nicolò Beverini,
  • Giorgio Carelli,
  • Donatella Ciampini,
  • Francesco Fuso,
  • Umberto Giacomelli,
  • Enrico Maccioni,
  • Antonello Ortolan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 80, no. 2
pp. 1 – 10


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Abstract Ring laser gyroscopes are top sensitivity inertial sensors used in the measurement of angular rotation. It is well known that the response of such remarkable instruments can in principle access the very low frequency band, but the occurrence of nonlinear effects in the laser dynamics imposes severe limitations in terms of sensitivity and stability. We report here general relationships aimed at evaluating corrections able to effectively account for nonlinear laser dynamics. The so-derived corrections are applied to analyse thirty days of continuous operation of the large area ring laser gyroscope GINGERINO leading to duly reconstruct the Sagnac frequency $$\omega _s$$ ωs . The analysis shows that the evaluated corrections affect the measurement of the Earth rotation rate $$\varOmega _{\oplus }$$ Ω⊕ at the level of 1 part in $$1.5\times 10^{3}$$ 1.5×103 . The null shift term $$\omega _{ns}$$ ωns plays a non negligible role. It turns out proportional to the optical losses $$\mu $$ μ of the ring cavity, which are changing in time at the level of $$10\%$$ 10% within the considered period of thirty days. The Allan deviation of estimated $$\varOmega _{\oplus }$$ Ω⊕ shows a remarkable long term stability, leading to a sensitivity better than $$10^{-10}$$ 10-10 rad/s with more than 10 s of integration time, and approaching $$(8.5\pm 0.5)\times 10^{-12}$$ (8.5±0.5)×10-12 rad/s with $$4.5\times 10^{5}$$ 4.5×105 s of integration time.