Physical Review Research (Jun 2021)

Unusual H-T phase diagram of CeRh_{2}As_{2}: The role of staggered noncentrosymmetricity

  • Eric G. Schertenleib,
  • Mark H. Fischer,
  • Manfred Sigrist

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
p. 023179


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Superconductivity in a crystalline lattice without inversion is subject to complex spin-orbit-coupling effects, which can lead to mixed-parity pairing and an unusual magnetic response. In this study, the properties of a layered superconductor with alternating Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the stacking of layers, hence (globally) possessing a center of inversion, is analyzed in an applied magnetic field, using a generalized Ginzburg-Landau model. The superconducting order parameter consists of an even- and an odd-parity pairing component which exchange their roles as dominant pairing channel upon increasing the magnetic field. This leads to an unusual kink feature in the upper critical field and a first-order phase transition within the mixed phase. We investigate various signatures of this internal phase transition. The physics we discuss here could explain the recently found H-T phase diagram of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeRh_{2}As_{2}.