Forum: Qualitative Social Research (May 2002)
Review: Stefan Beck (Ed.) (2000). Technogene Nähe. Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag [Technogenetic Closeness. Ethnographic Studies on the Use of New Media in Everyday Life]
This book contains ten ethnographic studies (self-observations, field observations, narrative interviews) on the use of new media in everyday life. The focus is on media of interpersonal communication (telephone, e-mail, answering machine, letter, informal online chats). The research reveals how different social groups (e.g., students, blue-collar workers, unemployed women migrants, artists) create or hinder interpersonal closeness while telecommunicating. Conducted by students, the studies offer methodologically-reflective and theory-based insights into under researched dimensions of telecommunications. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs020233