Gaceta Sanitaria (Jan 2021)

Risk factors analysis of non-compliance of Tuberculosis (TB) patients taking medicine in Puskesmas Polonia, Medan, 2021

  • Asriwati,
  • Erni Yeti,
  • Niakurniawati,
  • Andi Nilawati Usman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35
pp. S227 – S230


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Objective: This study aims to analyze the risk factors (knowledge, role of health workers, drug Consumption Supervisors activity, side effects of drugs, duration of taking medication, and feeling healthy) for non-adherence to TB patients taking medication at the Puskesmas. Method: The research design used in this study was a case control where the population was all patients who visited the working region of the Polonia Public Health Center. The research subjects were 138 samples consisting of 68 cases and 68 controls. The data were analyzed using a tabulation and statistical system using the SPSS program with the Odds ratio test and logistic regression. Result: It was found that there was an influence on the role of health workers OR = 8,933 (95% CI: 1,085–73.525), side effects of drugs with OR = 6,873 (95% CI; 2,435–19,398), felt healthy OR = 4,643 (95% CI; 1,247–17,287), and knowledge OR = 2,700 (95% CI; 1,083–6,731) It is recommended to be healthy and monitor the occurrence of drug side effects in patients during treatment.
